wing it!

  • Wing It Book Blurb

    WING IT PARENTING: How Parents Can Take Root So They and Their Children Soar

    Finally! A simple, clear formula for parents to use with children of all ages and reach success. In this book, parents learn how to become more aware, gain a better footing and elevate their approach in parenthood. Anastasia shares six guiding principles that can help parents wing it and make it work every time. This book inspires individuals to form new perspectives and strategies so they can go from overwhelmed to empowered, connecting with their children on a genuinely deep level. Readers will learn how to:

    - Self-reflect and dissolve unproductive habits
    - Lessen struggles to authentically connect with their child
    - Create solid foundations and strategies that make life easier
    - Parent with confidence and develop a special parent-child relationship

    $12.99 USD
    2nd Edition EBook Available Now!